Saturday, 28 April 2012

12 Simple tips to improve your photography eye! Tip 6 Simplicity & Shape

Never underestimate the power of simplicity.  Some of the most powerful images are the most simple.  This allows the observer to take in and understand the message of the image.  Simple shots are not forgotten, the eye can connect to them really easily and remember them better.

Shapes can also be very dramatic.  The best way to stress shape is to simplify and isolate the subject, is to outline against a plain tone. See example :
Next time telling a story.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Check out the V&A museum's exhibition British Design 1948-2012 follow this link
There is a fantastic section on fashion photography in the 60's and showcases the cult film "Blow Up" by Michelangelo Antonino where Mike Myers based his Austin Powers character from the film.  Well worth seeing.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

12 Simple Tips to improve your photography eye!! Tip 5 White Space

Tip 5
White Space

What is white space?  It is sometimes more important than the stuff that is in it.  It is the space that surrounds your main subject in a photograph.  See example :

 It is sometimes known as negative space.  It allows your eye to travel around the object and gives it a resting space..  Space calls attention to content.

 White space is just as much a shape as the main subject together they make up composition.    If the space gets filled up it feels oppressive, and a lack of negative space confuses the viewer.  It is I feel one of the most important points to deal with when creating an imageThe photograph below for example needs the space on the left to compensate for the eye to take in all the fabulous make up and costume of the model.

Next time : Simplicity.